A steadfast presence on our mats for over a decade now, Coach Chuck continues to lead from the front in all forms of competition – Gi/No-Gi BJJ, Muay Thai, and most recently, MMA! The tournament Saturday to crown the NWSC’s first ever No-Gi Absolute Champion, will feature 8 of the gnarliest blackbelts in the Pacific Northwest! Coach Chuck’s quarterfinal match will be against Siri BJJ’s Brendan Bane and will be the fourth match of the evening!

Come on down to The Egyptian Theater tomorrow night to catch all the action and cheer on Coach Chuck to victory!!! Doors open at 5, matches begin at 6pm MST.
Tickets – https://www.showclix.com/event/nwsub-04-27-24
Livestream – https://combatlabs.tv/NWSC/4
If you are looking to compete, or maybe you’re looking to get into the best shape of your life with a Tribe that supports you 110%, Click the “Let’s Get Started” link on our newly-launched website,
https://sbgidaho.com page to set up your gym tour and FREE introductory lesson with one of our world-class coaches! See you soon!